• info@icode.guru

Make a Donation

iCodeGuru is registered as a nonprofit organization in California, USA, and received Tax Exempt Status 501(c)(3) from Internal Revenue Services (IRS) in 2024, with EIN: 99-2776198

iCodeGuru gratefully accepts Zakat and Sadaqah contributions on behalf of deserving students and ensures their distribution in accordance with Shariah principles. Your support helps us continue our mission. Please choose your preferred donation method:

Donate via PayPal

Paypal ID: donations@icode.guru

To complete your donation, please click the button below to donate via PayPal:

Donate with PayPal

Donate via Zelle

To complete your donation, please send your donation via Zelle to:

Zelle ID: donations@icode.guru

In the message, please include your name and donation amount.

Open Zelle App

Donate via Bank Transfer

To complete your donation, please transfer your donation to the following bank account:

Account Name:iCodeGuru
Account Number:231-069-2419
For Domestic Wires:Wire Routing Transit Number (RTN/ABA) 121000248
For International:SWIFT/BIC code WFBIUS6S
Bank name:Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Bank address, city & state:420 Montgomery San Francisco, CA 94104 (regardless of where your account is located)
BNF/Field 4200 Beneficiary acct. #:Your complete Wells Fargo account number including leading zeros
Beneficiary account name and address:The name and address of your account as it appears on your statement
CHIPS Participant:0407

In the reference, please include your name and donation amount.